
Grateful to be in Agreement

Thank you don Miguel Ruiz for your gift of the Toltec Wisdom  outlined in , The Four Agreements. I take up the charge to: Be impeccable with my word, not to take anything personally, not to make assumptions and to always do my best.

 Since reading (and re-reading) the book I am finding it harder to judge myself  as I am  reminded  not to make assumptions and to be impeccable with my word. I am cultivating deeper levels of compassion and setting better boundaries in my life. I am laughing more and giving myself permission to have the same level of integrity in my play as I exude in my work. I am becoming more forgiving and honest and find I have to apologize less.

Living the agreements can be a challenge but when I find I am not in alignment I am able to assess the situation and implement the proper agreement to re-calibrate. I am grateful and wanted to thank you for allowing me to add to my emotional, spiritual and mental wellness.


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